Let’s say you have a child with “special needs,” or a sister, brother, mother or other family member. You have not created a special needs trust as part of your own estate plan. Why not?
We know why not. We have heard pretty much all the explanations and excuses. Here are a few, and some thoughts we would like you to consider:
I don’t have enough money to need a special needs trust. Really? You don’t have $2,000? Because that’s all you have to leave to your child outside a special needs trust to mess with their SSI and Medicaid eligibility.
I can’t afford to pay for the special needs trust. We apologize that it can be expensive to get good legal help. But the cost of preparing a special needs trust for your child is likely to be way, way less than the cost of providing a couple month’s worth of care. That is what is likely to happen if you die without having created a special needs trust, since it will take several months of legal maneuvering to get an alternative plan in place. Even if there is no loss of benefits, the cost of fixing the problem after your death will be several times that of getting a good plan in place now.
I’ve already named my child as beneficiary on my life insurance/retirement account/annuity. Ah, yes — our favorite alternative to good planning. If your child is named directly as beneficiary, you may have avoided probate but complicated the eligibility picture. Their loss of benefits will occur immediately on your death, rather than waiting the month or two it would have taken to get the probate process underway. This just might be the worst plan of all.
It’ll all be found money to my kids. I’ll let them take care of it if I die. We have bad news for you: “if” is not the right word here. That aside, you should understand that a failure to plan means you are stuck with what’s called the law of “intestate succession.” That means (in Arizona — if you are not in Arizona you might want to look up your state’s law) that if you die without completing your estate plan, your spouse gets everything unless you have children who are not also your spouse’s children. If you are single, your kids get everything equally. If your child on public benefits gets an equal share of your estate, we will probably need to either (a) spend it all quickly or (b) put it into a “self-settled” special needs trust. That means more restrictions on what it can be used for, and a mandatory provision that the trust pays back their Medicaid costs when they die. All their Medicaid costs. Including anything Medicaid has provided before your death. Wouldn’t you like to avoid that result? It’s simple: just see us (or your lawyer if that’s not us) about a “third-party” special needs trust. The rules are so much more flexible if you plan in advance.
My child gets Social Security Disability (or Dependent Adult Child) Benefits and Medicare. Good argument. Because those programs are not sensitive to assets or income, your child might not need a special needs trust as much as a child who received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid (or AHCCCS or ALTCS, in Arizona). But keep these three things in mind:
- Even someone who gets most of their benefits from SSD and Medicare might qualify for some Medicaid benefits, like premium assistance and subsidies for deductibles and co-payments. Failure to set up a special needs trust might affect them, even if not as much as another person who receives, say, SSI and Medicaid.
- Even someone receiving Medicare will have some effect from having a higher income. Premium payments are already sensitive to income, and future changes in both Medicare and Social Security might result in reduced benefits for someone who has assets or income outside a special needs trust.
- If your child has a disability, it might be that a trust is needed in order to provide management of the inheritance you leave them. If they are unable to manage money themselves the alternative is a court-controlled conservatorship (or, in some states, guardianship). That can be expensive and constraining.
I’m young. We agree. And we agree that it’s not too likely that you will die in the next, say, five years (that’s about the useful life of your estate plan, though your special needs trust will probably be fine for longer than that). But “not too likely” is not the same as “it can’t happen.” You cut down your salt and calories because your doctor told you it’d be a good idea — even though your high blood pressure isn’t too likely to kill you in the next five years, either. We’re here to tell you that it’s time to address the need for a special needs trust.
I’m going to disinherit my child who receives public benefits and leave everything to his older brother. That will probably work. “Probably” is the key word here. Is his older brother married? Does he drive a car? Is he independently wealthy? These questions are important because leaving everything to your older child means you are subjecting the entire inheritance to his spouse, creditors, and whims. And have you thought out what will happen if he dies before his brother, leaving your entire inheritance to his wife or kids? Will they feel the same obligation to take care of your vulnerable child that he does?
I plan on using the ABLE Act account. Good plan. It’s a great new option. So new, in fact, that it wasn’t available when we first published this post — but now it is a choice. Of course, you can’t leave more than $15,000 to it (in 2021, at least). You also are setting it up so that what you do leave to the ABLE Act account will go to the state Medicaid program when your child dies. The ABLE Act has created a great option to give you flexibility, but it is no substitute for a special needs trust.
I’ll get to it. Soon. OK — when?
I don’t like lawyers. We do understand this objection. Some days we’re not too fond of them, either. But they are in a long list of people we’d rather not have to deal with but do: doctors, auto mechanics, veternarians, pest control people, parking monitors. Some days we think the only other human being we really like is our barista. We understand, though, that if we avoid our doctor when we are sick the result will not be positive. Same for the auto mechanic when our car needs attention. Also for the vet and all the rest. In fact, the only one we probably could avoid altogether is the barista, and we refuse to stay away on principle.
Seriously — lawyers are like other professionals. We listen to your needs, desires and information, and we give you our best advice about what you should do (and how we can help). Most of us really like people. In fact, all of us at Fleming & Curti, PLC, really like people — it’s a job requirement. We want to help, and we have some specialized expertise that we can use to assist you. Give us a chance to show you that is true.
We also know a good barista.
One Response
Nice job – over the past 26 years I’ve heard them all. Your common sense rebuttals are spot on! I think you’ve done a great job in putting a persuasive case for responsible planning.