Good Beneficiaries Keep Tabs on the Trustee
We hate to say it, but beneficiaries should never blindly trust their trustees. Good beneficiaries pay attention to the process. The trustee-beneficiary relationship works properly only if beneficiaries are engaged and looking out for themselves. Yes, the trustee legally owes duties to the beneficiaries a whole bunch of ways. But it’s the beneficiaries who must […]
Making Lists: A Good Way to Show You Care
Write it down. For decades, law firms like Fleming & Curti have provided estate planning clients with blank forms for making lists for gifts of personal property. Clients rarely use them, but there are significant benefits to making lists. Lists give your executor (a/k/a personal representative) or trustee a roadmap for distributing the items. In […]
The Final Word? With Wills and Trusts, It’s Never Final
After someone dies, most believe the will or trust is the final word and must be followed. That’s never really true. Often the document can’t be changed. But, if everyone involved can agree, they usually can deviate from the document and divide assets differently. Under Arizona law, a will cannot be reformed or modified, and […]
To Protect Beneficiaries, Use Specifically Tailored Trusts
Deciding what your loved ones get – or don’t get – after you are gone can be difficult. It’s even tougher if those to whom you wish to leave your hard-earned assets are not responsible with money or lack values you hold dear. A trust with tailored provisions is a possible solution. Leaving an inheritance […]
The December Round-up: 10 Lessons From 2019
At the end of each month, we like to take stock of elder law news and share new or interesting developments. For the December round-up, we’ve decided to do something a little different: round up the lessons we’ve learned over the past year, inspired by our own practice, cases we’ve read about, and even rumors […]
Trust Administration Potpourri
Here at Fleming & Curti, PLC, we comb recent case reports and news items looking for a good story to illustrate important legal principles. We are always on the lookout for stories about, for instance, trust administration issues. Sometimes our work is easy; sometimes there just don’t seem to be great recent stories. Perhaps it’s […]
Even Without State Statute, Court Approves Trust Decanting
VOLUME 24 NUMBER 18 When a trustee transfers assets to a new trust with the same beneficiaries (but different terms), it is often called decanting. “Decant” is an analogy: the trustee is, in a sense, pouring trust assets from an old vessel into a new container, and improving the quality of the trust in the […]
What “Elder Law” Means to Us at Fleming & Curti, PLC
VOLUME 24 NUMBER 11 At Fleming & Curti, PLC, we practice elder law. But what does that term mean? Our practice is focused on typical legal problems faced by older individuals. We also regularly work in the field of special needs planning for individuals with disabilities. Because the people coming to see us are often […]
Trust Lawyer’s Fees Reduced by Over $110,000
FEBRUARY 27, 2017 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 9 General rule: a trust lawyer’s fees can be charged to the trust, at least where the trustee has not misbehaved. Significant exception: courts can reduce fees for a variety of reasons, and “misbehaved” may have different meanings. The story Patricia Campbell was trustee of a special needs trust […]
Beneficiaries Permitted to Modify Trust Terms by Agreement
OCTOBER 19, 2015 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 38 Not every client we speak with wants to set up a trust for generations of descendants, but some do. The notion of allowing assets to grow for two or three (or more) generations can be attractive. It is difficult, of course, to imagine what one’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren […]
Tax Issues for Trusts — Simplified
JULY 29, 2013 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 28 Judging from the questions and comments we get here, taxation of trusts is one of the most confusing issues we regularly write about. We’re going to try to collect the most important rules here for your convenience. Note that we will not try (in this summary) to touch […]
Trust Administration Dispute Ends Up Costly for Complainant
MAY 20, 2013 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 20 One of the reasons people create living trusts is to reduce the likelihood of disputes among family members. In fact, any well-written estate plan — whether it involves a living trust or not — should focus at least partly on that worthwhile goal. Most estates do get settled […]