Automatic Transfer on Death: Arizona’s Beneficiary Deed
You know that you can name a beneficiary on your life insurance account, your bank and other financial accounts — even your car. Wouldn’t it be great if you could create an automatic transfer on death for your home? Oh, wait — in Arizona, at least, you can. Arizona’s “beneficiary deed” We’ve written about the […]
I Just Want to Put My Daughter’s Name On My Deed
NOVEMBER 5, 2012 VOLUME 19 NUMBER 40 We hear that request all the time. “I want to make it easy for her when I die — just put my daughter’s name on the deed,” client after client insists. When we resist, they think we are acting too much like lawyers. There are no statistics out […]
“Vest Pocket” Deed Is Valid to Transfer Family Farmland
OCTOBER 25, 2010 VOLUME 17 NUMBER 33 It has been a while since we wrote about “vest pocket” deeds. That reflects the reality that they are more common in fiction and mythology than in the real world of legal proceedings, but they occasionally do crop up. The problems of validity and effect can involve lawyers […]
Pre-Death Transfers By Two Seniors Invalidated As Frauds
NOVEMBER 24, 1997 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 21 Two recent cases, from the courts of Wisconsin and Tennessee, set aside transfers of property made by seniors prior to their deaths. While the circumstances are different, the two cases illustrate some of the typical motivations for gifts to children, as well as the possible effects of such […]