We Are Creeping Up On a Quarter Century Here
JANUARY 4, 2016 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 1 Note the “Volume” number above. Is it even possible that we’ve been doing this for 23 years? In that time, a number of topics have been perennially popular. We see a lot of internet traffic, and get a lot of questions or comments, when we write about: EINs […]
The Myth of the Simple Will
JUNE 15, 2015 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 22 “I don’t want anything complicated,” said our new client. “I just want a simple will.” For almost four decades, we’ve been waiting for the client who wants a complicated will. We’re still waiting. We hear the “I only want a simple will” request often. What clients really mean, […]
DIY Wills — Another Example Showing Why You Should Hire a Lawyer
OCTOBER 6, 2014 VOLUME 21 NUMBER 36 We occasionally relate stories about people who have prepared their own wills without the help of competent professional advisers (like, for a primary example, a qualified attorney). When we do, we intend to make several points: The cost of getting a lawyer to prepare your will (and trust, […]
Why Do I Have To Complete That Darned Questionnaire?
MAY 31, 2010 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 18 You have made your appointment to discuss estate planning. Our office has sent you a reminder letter, an explanation of what will happen when you get here, a map with parking instructions — and an 8-page questionnaire, asking for all sorts of details about your family, your assets […]