Guardianship Judge May Deviate from Divorce Court Custody Order
In a divorce proceeding, the court determines who should have custody (and decision-making authority) over any minor children. When a child subject to such an order reaches majority, the court order usually expires. But when the now-adult child has a disability, either or both parents may seek appointment as guardian. Does the divorce court custody […]
Probate Judge Sets Visitation Schedule in Minor Guardianship
DECEMBER 5, 2011 VOLUME 18 NUMBER 41 Most of the guardianship issues we deal with at Fleming & Curti, PLC, involve adults who have limited capacity or special needs. Sometimes, though, the subjects of a guardianship proceeding are minors; that can bring unique issues to the process. There are a few legal principles that govern […]
Claim Against UTMA Custodian For Taking Funds Filed Too Late
OCTOBER 28, 2002 VOLUME 10, NUMBER 17 Allan Levine thought it was a good idea to set aside some money for his young grandchildren, Derek and Danielle Levine, and so in 1987 he established investment accounts for them. He used a popular and easy way of setting aside the money—he created accounts under the Uniform […]