New Estate Tax Limits Highlight Need to Plan
Every year, the IRS announces inflation-adjusted numbers for all kinds of tax-related things. Estate and gift tax limits are among them, and the 2020 numbers are here. The new estate tax limits will be $11.58 million per person, up from $11.4 million. The same figure applies to lifetime gift tax exclusion, as well. That means […]
Estate Tax Portability — What If the Executor Refuses to File?
JANUARY 30, 2017 VOLUME 24 NUMBER 5 We knew it would happen, and now it has. A surviving spouse has sued to force the administrator of the deceased spouse’s estate to file a federal estate tax return to perfect the “portability” election. Before we can tell you how it turned out, we’ll need to explain […]
Bypass Trusts, Disclaimer Trusts and Portability in Estate Planning
MAY 6, 2013 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 18 Last week we wrote about questions we often hear from our clients in the wake of big changes to the federal estate tax structure. Almost immediately we heard from a reader asking about portability and disclaimer trusts; our reader suggested we try to explain the two concepts and […]