At the end of the month, we like to survey the elder law landscape and share interesting developments. It’s a little beyond the end of the longest month that ever was, so it’s time. We aimed to keep this a corona-free zone, but guess what? There are not a lot of other topics out there. So here’s April’s not-quite Covid 19-free roundup.
The Covid-Free
- If you’ve ever considered leaving a portion of your estate to charity, this is an interesting read about an Albuquerque couple who are leaving everything to the local art museum. They appear to be delightful people, and they have some good tips.
- As you probably know, Social Security has lots of rules, and one of them is that an ordinary power of attorney is not enough to take over if you become incapacitated. It’s a bit of a hassle for your agent to get control, but you can make it easier by designating a “rep payee” in advance.
- In dementia news, the foods you eat can help you avoid dementia, or make you more vulnerable, and here’s why.
The Somewhat Covid-Related
- We hear that do-it-yourself estate planning has become really popular. Beware.
- Lots of people are feeling the economic pinch, but for the wealthy, it’s an amazing opportunity to pass on a considerable amount of wealth tax-free.
- One type of relief during this difficult time was waivers for the requirement to take minimum distributions from retirement plans. Intrigued? Here are 8 rules to know, and few more things to consider, and the impact on various scenarios. Meanwhile, some say this is the beginning of the end of RMDs for good.
The Covid-Centric
- Pima Council on Aging is maintaining a “Covid-19 Information” resource and tips page, including program changes through May 31.
- Here’s the science behind why older people are vulnerable to the virus.
- And, last but certainly not least, our own Robert B. Fleming is among experts weighing in on the current state of estate planning.
Stay safe out there.